The growth of Tamil Nadu’s flood-prone and water-scarce capital has come at a cost. As Chennai looks to expand, the increasing built-up areas and shrinking water bodies could well be…
The growth of Tamil Nadu’s flood-prone and water-scarce capital has come at a cost. As Chennai looks to expand, the increasing built-up areas and shrinking water bodies could well be a recipe for disaster. Chennai faces multiple ecological challenges in…
The growth of Tamil Nadu’s flood-prone and water-scarce capital has come at a cost. As Chennai looks to expand, the increasing built-up areas and shrinking water bodies could well be a recipe for disaster. Chennai faces multiple ecological challenges in…
The growth of Tamil Nadu’s flood-prone and water-scarce capital has come at a cost. As Chennai looks to expand, the increasing built-up areas and shrinking water bodies could…
The growth of Tamil Nadu’s flood-prone and water-scarce capital has come at a cost. As Chennai looks to expand, the increasing built-up areas and shrinking water bodies could well be a recipe for disaster. Chennai faces multiple ecological challenges in…