The torrential rain and floods in Bengaluru in early September grabbed international attention, showing up wide cracks in the basic infrastructure of the ‘IT capital of India’. Tractors rescued the…
Most of Ahmedabad was waterlogged and flooded when rains battered the city in July and September, washing away the city’s claims to be ‘smart’ with people scrambling to pick up…
The heavy rainfall in July in one of India’s IT hubs, Hyderabad, threatened to cause devastation like the 2020 floods. Although it was not as severe as the earlier calamity,…
The development story of Mumbai rests on the routine breach of the ‘public trust doctrine’ which benefits the elite. The Maharashtra government, instead of exercising its protective duty of public…
The torrential rain and floods in Bengaluru in early September grabbed international attention, showing up wide cracks in the basic infrastructure of the ‘IT capital of India’. Tractors rescued the better off people to safety, the less privileged were left…
Most of Ahmedabad was waterlogged and flooded when rains battered the city in July and September, washing away the city’s claims to be ‘smart’ with people scrambling to pick up pieces every time the skies open up. Lakes and waterbodies…
The heavy rainfall in July in one of India’s IT hubs, Hyderabad, threatened to cause devastation like the 2020 floods. Although it was not as severe as the earlier calamity, the extreme climate laid bare the city’s failure and the…
The development story of Mumbai rests on the routine breach of the ‘public trust doctrine’ which benefits the elite. The Maharashtra government, instead of exercising its protective duty of public land, transforms properties meant for public use through legal alchemy…
The torrential rain and floods in Bengaluru in early September grabbed international attention, showing up wide cracks in the basic infrastructure of the ‘IT capital of India’. Tractors rescued the better off people to safety, the less privileged were left…
Most of Ahmedabad was waterlogged and flooded when rains battered the city in July and September, washing away the city’s claims to be ‘smart’ with people scrambling to pick up pieces every time the skies open up. Lakes and waterbodies…
The heavy rainfall in July in one of India’s IT hubs, Hyderabad, threatened to cause devastation like the 2020 floods. Although it was not as severe as the earlier calamity, the extreme climate laid bare the city’s failure and the…
The development story of Mumbai rests on the routine breach of the ‘public trust doctrine’ which benefits the elite. The Maharashtra government, instead of exercising its protective duty of public land, transforms properties meant for public use through legal alchemy…
The torrential rain and floods in Bengaluru in early September grabbed international attention, showing up wide cracks in the basic infrastructure of the ‘IT capital of India’. Tractors…
The torrential rain and floods in Bengaluru in early September grabbed international attention, showing up wide cracks in the basic infrastructure of the ‘IT…
The torrential rain and floods in Bengaluru in early September grabbed international attention, showing up wide cracks in the basic infrastructure of the ‘IT capital of India’. Tractors rescued the better off people to safety, the less privileged were left…
Most of Ahmedabad was waterlogged and flooded when rains battered the city in July and September, washing away the city’s claims to be ‘smart’ with people scrambling to pick up…
The heavy rainfall in July in one of India’s IT hubs, Hyderabad, threatened to cause devastation like the 2020 floods. Although it was not as severe as the earlier calamity,…
The development story of Mumbai rests on the routine breach of the ‘public trust doctrine’ which benefits the elite. The Maharashtra government, instead of exercising its protective duty of public…