The people of the Sundarbans show how they are the force of resilience, battling cyclones, and disrupted livelihoods. Adopting nature-based solutions, they use vetiver as a powerful natural tool to…
More than two decades later, certified green or sustainable buildings account for just over five percent of the constructed stock in India. While the two rating systems, the Indian Green…
What was triggered off as an idea in the early 2000s with the Green Business Centre in Hyderabad became the green building movement in India’s cities but it is nowhere…
The green building movement has been gaining momentum in India with governments doling out incentives. A recent report ranks India third in the world for certified green buildings. However, outdated…
The people of the Sundarbans show how they are the force of resilience, battling cyclones, and disrupted livelihoods. Adopting nature-based solutions, they use vetiver as a powerful natural tool to combat soil erosion and understand that protecting the streambanks from…
More than two decades later, certified green or sustainable buildings account for just over five percent of the constructed stock in India. While the two rating systems, the Indian Green Building Council and Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment, have…
What was triggered off as an idea in the early 2000s with the Green Business Centre in Hyderabad became the green building movement in India’s cities but it is nowhere as widespread as it should have been because neither the…
The green building movement has been gaining momentum in India with governments doling out incentives. A recent report ranks India third in the world for certified green buildings. However, outdated bye-laws of urban local bodies and the lack of awareness…
The people of the Sundarbans show how they are the force of resilience, battling cyclones, and disrupted livelihoods. Adopting nature-based solutions, they use vetiver as a powerful natural tool to combat soil erosion and understand that protecting the streambanks from…
More than two decades later, certified green or sustainable buildings account for just over five percent of the constructed stock in India. While the two rating systems, the Indian Green Building Council and Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment, have…
What was triggered off as an idea in the early 2000s with the Green Business Centre in Hyderabad became the green building movement in India’s cities but it is nowhere as widespread as it should have been because neither the…
The green building movement has been gaining momentum in India with governments doling out incentives. A recent report ranks India third in the world for certified green buildings. However, outdated bye-laws of urban local bodies and the lack of awareness…
The people of the Sundarbans show how they are the force of resilience, battling cyclones, and disrupted livelihoods. Adopting nature-based solutions, they use vetiver as a powerful natural…
The people of the Sundarbans show how they are the force of resilience, battling cyclones, and disrupted livelihoods. Adopting nature-based solutions, they use vetiver…
The people of the Sundarbans show how they are the force of resilience, battling cyclones, and disrupted livelihoods. Adopting nature-based solutions, they use vetiver as a powerful natural tool to combat soil erosion and understand that protecting the streambanks from…
More than two decades later, certified green or sustainable buildings account for just over five percent of the constructed stock in India. While the two rating systems, the Indian Green…
What was triggered off as an idea in the early 2000s with the Green Business Centre in Hyderabad became the green building movement in India’s cities but it is nowhere…
The green building movement has been gaining momentum in India with governments doling out incentives. A recent report ranks India third in the world for certified green buildings. However, outdated…
The people of the Sundarbans show how they are the force of resilience, battling cyclones, and disrupted livelihoods. Adopting nature-based solutions, they…
Sustainability in the construction sector, especially green buildings, should not be an afterthought but a fundamental component of building design itself. Pointing…
More than two decades later, certified green or sustainable buildings account for just over five percent of the constructed stock in India. While the two rating systems, the…
Sustainability in the construction sector, especially green buildings, should not be an afterthought but a fundamental component of building design itself. Pointing…
Sustainability in the construction sector, especially green buildings, should not be an afterthought but a fundamental component of building design itself. Pointing…
Sustainability in the construction sector, especially green buildings, should not be an afterthought but a fundamental component of building design itself. Pointing to tangible and intangible benefits for all stakeholders, the green building rating system brought out guidelines, further leveraged…
Neighbourhoods in cities are distinctively shaped by terrain, built environment, typologies, social dynamics, politics, and historical and spatial contexts. As a result,…
From advocacy work and campaigns against unsustainable development projects, especially in areas with marginalised populations, mapping the areas for climate vulnerability was…
Urban development plans and master plans have traditionally seen trees as impediments to ‘development’, rarely acknowledging them as natural wealth of cities and hardly making provisions to protect and preserve them. This will no longer work in the time of…
Sustainability in the construction sector, especially green buildings, should not be an afterthought but a fundamental component of building design itself. Pointing…
The people of the Sundarbans show how they are the force of resilience, battling cyclones, and disrupted livelihoods. Adopting nature-based solutions, they…
Sustainability in the construction sector, especially green buildings, should not be an afterthought but a fundamental component of building design itself. Pointing…